

noun pes·tle \ˈpe-səl, ˈpes-təl\

: a hard tool with a rounded end that is used for pounding or crushing substances (such as medicines) in a deep bowl (called a mortar)

Full Definition of PESTLE

:  a usually club-shaped implement for pounding or grinding substances in a mortar — see mortar illustration
:  any of various devices for pounding, stamping, or pressing

Illustration of PESTLE

Origin of PESTLE

Middle English pestel, from Anglo-French, from Latin pistillum, from pinsere to pound, crush; akin to Greek ptissein to crush, Sanskrit pinaṣṭi he pounds
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Pharmacology Terms

anodyne, cathartic, emetic, emollient, liniment, paregoric, poultice, purgative, soporific, spectrum

Rhymes with PESTLE


pes·tledpes·tling \ˈpe-s(ə-)liŋ, ˈpes-təl-iŋ\

Definition of PESTLE

transitive verb
:  to beat, pound, or pulverize with or as if with a pestle
intransitive verb
:  to work with a pestle :  use a pestle

First Known Use of PESTLE

15th century

Other Pharmacology Terms

anodyne, cathartic, emetic, emollient, liniment, paregoric, poultice, purgative, soporific, spectrum

Rhymes with PESTLE

PESTLE[1] Defined for Kids


noun pes·tle \ˈpe-səl\

Definition of PESTLE for Kids

:  a tool shaped like a small club for crushing substances in a mortar
Medical Dictionary


noun pes·tle \ˈpes-əl also ˈpes-təl\

Medical Definition of PESTLE

:  a usually club-shaped implement for pounding or grinding substances in a mortar


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